Yorkshire Brain Appeal

Yorkshire Brain Appeal


Raised so far

  • About

Thanks for visiting our page to support all our amazing appeal. This is our fundraising hub for all our fantastic supporters.

As the saying goes ‘every little helps’, so whether its popping some pennies in the pot, arranging a bake sale or taking on a mighty challenge, we’re grateful of it all!

Simply click the FUNDRAISE FOR US button above and your personal page will be linked to our appeal and running total! 

The Brain Research Appeal was launched in 2014 and has led to significant developments in research activity in neurology in Leeds. Our aim is for every patient with a neurological condition at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to be offered the opportunity to participate in a clinical trial or research study.

  • The Brain Research Appeal will develop research capacity in multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, neurodegenerative disorders (including Parkinson’s disease), stroke, headache and dementia.
  • Raise public awareness of brain conditions
  • With the overarching aim to achieve better outcomes for people living with neurological conditions